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           Schedule   2018


January          Jacksonville FL                 Mercy Fellowship

                   Cancun, Mexico                  Cita Con la Vida


                   Kississime, FL                    Cita Con la Vida 

February         Jacksonville, FL                Mercy Fellowship

                                                            Church Meeting

                                                            River of Life


March             Africa                               Uganda(moved to July)                 

                     Jacksonville, FL                  Mercy Fellowship


April              New Orlands, Miss              Cita Con la Vida

                     Florida                             Love

May              Belgian                             KFI Conation

                   Paris, Francie                     10 year celebration         

                   Belfast, Ireland                  Revival ongoing





July                Louisville, KY                     TOD 33 Year Homecomings

                   Louisville, KY                     KFI Ohio Valley Convention


August           Jacksonville,                      COB Convention



September      Israel                               10 day Tour


October          Argentina                       BA, Cordova

                                                            Cita Con la Vida                                                 

                     Des Moines, IA                  KFI World Convention


November      Home                               Thanksgiving     


December       Home                               Christmas




  Please note

1.    Depending on availability, all trips are open to those so called to go

2.   Ordained Ministers with COB given first consideration

3.   To get exact dates going and missionary statement of conduct

expected, go to the contact page

4.   Each minister will be asked to contribute to mission              expenses

5.   All expenses and amount given to missions will be jointly given

6.    We go as a team thinking of the well-being of others more than self.


Not all dates are confirmed, subject to change                                          

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Jul 26, 2018

33rd Homecoming

God's Up To Something

We are Celebrating 33 years of Family, Ministry, and Fellowship. This is going to be a wonderful time. Come and share what Jesus has been doing in your life. 

Jul 26, 2018

The Sun Never Sets on KFI

The Ohio Valley Regional Kingsway Fellowship International Confereance

What a fun filled weekend Celebration. First of All, It's The Tabernacle of David's 33rd Homecoming. Plus It's the start of The Ohio Valley Kingsway Fellowship International Conference. This is going to be an occasion that you won't want to miss. 

Call of The Bride Ordination.

Call of The Bride will be having its annual Ordination for those who are answering the call of God on their lives into ministry, both nationally and internationally. 

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